-Excessive Analysis
If you analyze what's going on when cycling through techniques upon awakening. then you are not concentrated on the technique themselves and are sidetracking yourself. this will cause you to miss nearly all chances of obtaining results. the desire to experience the technique working should fully consume you. leaving no place in the mind for analysis or contemplation.
-Excessively alert awakening (no Attempt or a sluggish)
Due to the perception of an excessively alert awakening(which will be not actually be alert. but only seem to be from 70 to 90 of the time ) the practioner will either forgo trying anything. or will make attempts quite unassuredly. which is equivalent to not trying at all. you ought to follow the instructions automaticaally. and not pay attention to such perceptions upon awakening.
-Attempting for longer that a minute
if no result is obtained after one minute of cycling. then your odds of success will be much greater if you go back to sleep right away and catch the next awakening in order to make a new attempt. as opposed to stubbornly trying to continue on with the technique.
-Incomplete separation
when attempting to separate sometimes it doesn't come easily or completely. sluggishness. stuck body parts. and being stuck in two bodies at onece are some thing that may occur. never give up under any circumstances and do not stop separating if this happens. full separation will occur if you counteract such problemes with all your strenght
-Excessive Analysis
If you analyze what's going on when cycling through techniques upon awakening. then you are not concentrated on the technique themselves and are sidetracking yourself. this will cause you to miss nearly all chances of obtaining results. the desire to experience the technique working should fully consume you. leaving no place in the mind for analysis or contemplation.
-Excessively alert awakening (no Attempt or a sluggish)
Due to the perception of an excessively alert awakening(which will be not actually be alert. but only seem to be from 70 to 90 of the time ) the practioner will either forgo trying anything. or will make attempts quite unassuredly. which is equivalent to not trying at all. you ought to follow the instructions automaticaally. and not pay attention to such perceptions upon awakening.
-Attempting for longer that a minute
if no result is obtained after one minute of cycling. then your odds of success will be much greater if you go back to sleep right away and catch the next awakening in order to make a new attempt. as opposed to stubbornly trying to continue on with the technique.
-Incomplete separation
when attempting to separate sometimes it doesn't come easily or completely. sluggishness. stuck body parts. and being stuck in two bodies at onece are some thing that may occur. never give up under any circumstances and do not stop separating if this happens. full separation will occur if you counteract such problemes with all your strenght
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