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Friday, July 20, 2018

Atral Projection - Introduction

                                                  Astral Projection 

The astral region which i'm to try to describe is the second of these planes of nature-the next above (or inside) that physical world with whichwe're all familiar. it has frequently been called the realm of illusion-not that itself any more elusive thanthe physical world but. as of the extreme un-reliableness of the impressions returned from it by the untraid seer. this is to be accounted for chiefly by two remarkable features of the astral world-first. that a lot of its inhabitants have a fantastic power of changing their forms. and also of casting practically inexhaustible glamour over those with whom they choose to sport ;and second. that sight on that plane is faculty really dissimilar from and much more extended than physical vision.
An object is viewed. as it were. from akk sides at one time. the interior of solid being as plainly open to view as the exterior. it's there before obvious that an ignorant visitor to this new world might find considerable trouble in understanding what he truly does see. and still more in transforming his vision into the very inadequate language of ordinary speech.

He has to learn not only to see properly but to transform the memory of what he has seen precisely from one plane to the other; and to assist him in this he's trained to carry his consciousness without break from the physical  plane to the astral pr devachanic and back once more. for till that may be done there's always a possibility that his recollections might be partially lost or distorted during the blank time interval which seperates his periods of awareness on the assorted planes.
The first introducing to this noteworthy region comes to individuals in assorted ways. A few only once in their whole lives under some strange influence become sensitive enough to recognize thepresence of one of its inhabitants. and maybe because the experience doesn't repeat itself. they might come in timeto trust that on that occasion they must have been the victims of hallucianation: other people find themselves with increasing frequency seeing and hearing something to which those around them are blind and deaf; other people again - and start recollect this is the commonest experience of all-start to recollect with greater clarity that which they've seen or heard on that othr plane during sleep.

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