Astral Love
Love in the astral world is love very much as most humans understand it; strongly emotional with much influence from the instinctual and physical side of life. but also with incursions and illuminations from the mental and spiritual levels.
The word "Sex" has a few meanings.too;and the fact that several of these meaning are often to be found confused's the nature of sex. about astral love. then. there's no problem; but cleary. astral sex is not the same thing as earthly sex. certainly it can feel the same - it can feel like earthly sex. raised to a high mathematical "power" but it can't be the same. because the bodies involved are of astral substance. not of earthly substance. or can our throughts about astral sex be contained within the conventional framwork. because human law and custom alike are geared to regulate the conduct of earthly bodies. not of psychic entities.
such a variety of questions are always raised by the topic of astral sex. it seems best to consider a number of them now as question and answer. insofar as answers can be given feel the same - it can feel like earthly sex. raised to a high "power"
Having a physical body to come back to means that you need to keep your emotional reaction to all experiences on the astral plane very minimal. if you allow yourself to get too excited the experience will end promptly and you will find yourself back in your body.
it's important that you develop your ability to concentrate and limit your emotional responses by channeling your emotional energy through your astral body to be transmuted for other uses failure to do this could result in extreme disappointment and futile attempts to desperately get back to the astral planes
on positive note engaging in astral sex purfies your emotional energy raising your vibrational frequencies while dispelling negativity this assumes you are not engaging with negative entities⇔
Love in the astral world is love very much as most humans understand it; strongly emotional with much influence from the instinctual and physical side of life. but also with incursions and illuminations from the mental and spiritual levels.
The word "Sex" has a few meanings.too;and the fact that several of these meaning are often to be found confused's the nature of sex. about astral love. then. there's no problem; but cleary. astral sex is not the same thing as earthly sex. certainly it can feel the same - it can feel like earthly sex. raised to a high mathematical "power" but it can't be the same. because the bodies involved are of astral substance. not of earthly substance. or can our throughts about astral sex be contained within the conventional framwork. because human law and custom alike are geared to regulate the conduct of earthly bodies. not of psychic entities.
such a variety of questions are always raised by the topic of astral sex. it seems best to consider a number of them now as question and answer. insofar as answers can be given feel the same - it can feel like earthly sex. raised to a high "power"
Having a physical body to come back to means that you need to keep your emotional reaction to all experiences on the astral plane very minimal. if you allow yourself to get too excited the experience will end promptly and you will find yourself back in your body.
it's important that you develop your ability to concentrate and limit your emotional responses by channeling your emotional energy through your astral body to be transmuted for other uses failure to do this could result in extreme disappointment and futile attempts to desperately get back to the astral planes
on positive note engaging in astral sex purfies your emotional energy raising your vibrational frequencies while dispelling negativity this assumes you are not engaging with negative entities⇔
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