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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Exporing The Astral Plane

                          Exploring The Astral Plane

  1-Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body. Once you have. mastered the act of projecting your soul from from your body in the same room. you will want to confirm that you were indeed in two separate planes.

Next time you practice the astral projection. don't turn arround to look at your body. instead. leave the room and walk into another room in the house.

Examine an object in the other room. something that had never noticed before in the physical sense make a mental note of its color. shape and size paying attention to as many details as possible.

Return to your body physically go into room you previously projected yourself into. walk to the article you examined during the astral travel. can you confirm the details you noted when you expolred the object with your dream.

2-Explore further During subsequent astral projection sessions. go to locations that are less and less familiar to you. each time. note details that you had never noticed before. After each sessions physically verify the details. after a few trips. you will be experienced enough to travel to locations that are completely. unfamiliar with the confidence that you have actually performed astral projection

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