Typical mistake when performing indirect techniques include:
-Lack of an attempt to seperate forgetting to simply try to seperate immediately after awakening before cycling techniques. even thought this may lead to up to 50./. of all experiences.
Exeption awakening to movement. after which one may immediately proceed to the techniques
-Lack of aggression
A desire to get a tecnique to work no matter what and really get into it is the main criterion for success in employing the indirect tecnique procedure meanwhile. determination should not be superficial but intensely focused on the actions to be completed. lack of determination can also manifest itself in passively falling asleep during an attempet.
Fewer than 4 cycles:
No matter what happens and no matter thoughts occur. you should perform no less than 4 cycles of techniques. assuming none have worked so far. not following this simple rule will scuttle more than half of your opportunities to enter OBE.
-Unnecessary change of technique
Despite the clear instructions given. novices will stubbornly switch techniques after 3 to 5 even when a tecnique has started working in one way or another. this is a serious error. if a tecnique has started working - however so slightly-you need to keep with it and try to intensify it in any way possible.
-Unnecessary continuation of a technique if a technique hasn't begun working in the least after 3 to 5 seconds. it should ne changed for another. the point of cycling is to quickly alternate between techniques until one of them starts working.
-Forgetting to separate
When any technique starts working upon awakening
-no matter to what degree- the practicioner is nearly always already in OBE. and is simply lying on this body while in it. that's why you should always try to separate immediately upon there being stable signs that a tecnique is working. if that doesn't work out. then you need to return to intensifying the technique and try to separate again. if you don't use the first seconds of a technique working. then OBE usually ends quite quickly and the necessary state goes away. don't lie in your body while in OBE.
Typical mistake when performing indirect techniques include:
-Lack of an attempt to seperate forgetting to simply try to seperate immediately after awakening before cycling techniques. even thought this may lead to up to 50./. of all experiences.
Exeption awakening to movement. after which one may immediately proceed to the techniques
-Lack of aggression
A desire to get a tecnique to work no matter what and really get into it is the main criterion for success in employing the indirect tecnique procedure meanwhile. determination should not be superficial but intensely focused on the actions to be completed. lack of determination can also manifest itself in passively falling asleep during an attempet.
Fewer than 4 cycles:
No matter what happens and no matter thoughts occur. you should perform no less than 4 cycles of techniques. assuming none have worked so far. not following this simple rule will scuttle more than half of your opportunities to enter OBE.
-Unnecessary change of technique
Despite the clear instructions given. novices will stubbornly switch techniques after 3 to 5 even when a tecnique has started working in one way or another. this is a serious error. if a tecnique has started working - however so slightly-you need to keep with it and try to intensify it in any way possible.
-Unnecessary continuation of a technique if a technique hasn't begun working in the least after 3 to 5 seconds. it should ne changed for another. the point of cycling is to quickly alternate between techniques until one of them starts working.
-Forgetting to separate
When any technique starts working upon awakening
-no matter to what degree- the practicioner is nearly always already in OBE. and is simply lying on this body while in it. that's why you should always try to separate immediately upon there being stable signs that a tecnique is working. if that doesn't work out. then you need to return to intensifying the technique and try to separate again. if you don't use the first seconds of a technique working. then OBE usually ends quite quickly and the necessary state goes away. don't lie in your body while in OBE.
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