All that You need about energy sciences . its a good experience to get out your body


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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Out Body Experience OBE

                                      Out Body Experience
  When I asked what percentage of people actually achieved a controlled. conscious out-of-body experience. i was told about twenty to thirty-five percent. I'm not trying to discourage anyone. I just want to suggest that a trial of patience may be in store for you.
These tecniques are not guaranted. of course they are just some examples of what i've tried with a certain amount of success. try them all until you feel confortable or achieve some results. If you fall asleep. don't be concerned. because you may be closer than you think.
If you feel more confortable surrounding yourself with white light. then do so. if you like to use crystals. then use them. the goal is to get as relaxed as possible.
One other thing you must remember. prior to travelling and during soul travel. is that you are a being of light and nothing can harm you unless you think it can. Even then. after the experience you will emerge unblemished. 
I have found that my worst enemy during out-of-body experiences is my own uncontrolled imagination. i have learned that whatever i imagine-devils. demons. or pink elephants-will created instantly. i have found that its important to keep my thoughts clear and uncluttered.
In addition. it is important not to prejudge or guess what is going to happen. because you might be the one creating it. keep dream like manifestations from contaminating your out body experiences. but controlled use of the imagination during a journey can be quite amazing and downright fun.
I offer the following techniques and metal exercices with the hope that they will serve you as they have me.

The spiritual path that i have taken has sometimes been a bumpy one. but now i know that every emotional twist and turn has brought me to this point. I have found that emotions like stress. anger.envy. or negative thoughts hamper if not sever the chain of events leading up to an out-of-body experience. so. get rid of them. approach this type of experience with as much inner peace as possible. this is something that can't be faked; you must be steadfast in achieving this state.
Our everyday thoughts are all too often generated by things we fear-for example. fear of being alone peeniless. homless. jobless. and loveless. just to name a few. these fears have a profound effect on the actions and decisions each of us must choose in the course of our everyday lives. it is because of these feras that we either spring into action when none is needed or fail to take action when we know we should. we seem constanly to be afraid of what might happen.

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